Why wouldn’t you buy PreLoved?
Have you thought about how much impact consumerism is having on the planet? The mindset that we currently have about needing the latest gadget, wearing the right label clothing and footwear, owning the best car we can afford - not only is it a lot of pressure, it's...
Reduce Reuse Recycle
I'm writing this at the end of July - which means we're also nearing the end of Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July is one of my favourite environmental initiatives as so many people now take part. In fact the figure stands at around 100 million people globally,...
Environmental Initiatives guide pt2
We know 'doing our bit' for the planet is THE most important thing we can do. However it's so easy to think 'what difference can I make? I'm just 1 person?' This is where environmental initiatives are so important. Feeling like we're a part of something much bigger...
Your Guide to Environmental Initiatives
Β We all know that protecting the environment is the most important issue affecting our future. However, it's a big topic, one that's easy to feel overwhelmed about. It's also easy to think "what difference can I make?" This is where Environmental initiatives come in....
The links between your health and the health of our planet
Do you ever stop to think about just how much we rely on our planet for? We need our planet to provide us with food, water, a stable and safe place to live and there are many links between your health and the health of our planet. It always surprises me...
Do you know what you’re eating?
Spring is the time I start to think about what salad, fruit and veggies we're going to grow at home eachΒ year. I'm not what you'd call a keen gardener, but I place great importance on my children knowing where their food comes from. I'm also very aware of the amount...
Small changes really do mount up
We often feel a little overwhelmed when thinking about the impact we can make on climate change. How can we make any difference? How can we afford to be more eco-friendly? However, when we look at tweaking our daily habits, small changes really do mount up. ...
You’re already more eco-friendly than you realise
When was the last time you yelled 'close the door behind you!' (were you born in a barn??)Β or 'who left the lights on?!' Why do you think you do that? These are habits we've applied over the years, without even realising it's because they save energy. You see, you're...
How to do Veganuary without going Vegan
January is the month we all try and live a little better. We want to be better versions of ourselves - I'll do more, change this, go there. We actually put quite a lot of pressure on ourselves - so it's no surprise that, despite our best efforts, our resolutions don't...
Being more eco-friendly – where do you start?
Being more eco-friendly is a huge subject. But where on Earth do you start? We know we all need to be a little kinder to our planet, to tread more lightly, but when we're busy with life, it's just too much. We're all overwhelmed with just getting by, work, home life...