Sustainability coaching for everyday life









How being eco-friendly became my superpower!

Hi, I’m Lyn and living a more sustainable lifestyle is at the forefront of everything I do.

I’m a wife and a mum to two young children and we live in the beautiful countryside in South Warwickshire. My children aren’t just my absolute world, they are the driving force behind ECO for ALL and inspire me to live better every day.

I’m raising them to appreciate and respect Mother Nature, to understand that where things come from and where they end up really matters.

At home, we do our best to live as sustainably as possible. I want my children to know I did everything in my power to reduce our impact on this planet to protect their future.

During my teenage years I was faced with some hard truths about everyday products and unethical activities that harm our planet, and it was a revelation that changed the course of my life. Reducing our impact on the planet is my absolute mission and starting ECO for ALL felt like a very natural next step in spreading the word further. It’s not so much a business though, more my passion, obsession even.

I know that many of us want to be more eco-friendly but often the β€˜busyness’ of life gets in the way, and this is where I can make a real difference. By showing others that a more sustainable way of life can be simple and affordable, I can convince more people to be kinder to the planet.

The more of us that join in, the greater the impact we make. Drop me a message via the contact form and Book a FREE introductory chat today.

Lyn xx

β€œYou are never too small to make a difference.”

Greta Thunberg

Ways To Learn with me

Becoming more sustainable is easier and cheaper than you think! In my sessions I’ll share my knowledge and recommendations, and provide the support, encouragement, and guidance needed to get you there.


Learn with me at a pace that works around your own busy schedule.


Monthly online learning sessions with a friendly group of like-minded individuals.


Showing expectant and new parents how sustainable choices can save them money.


Helpful tips and resources to make your Christmas or birthday shopping more sustainable.


Offer your employees a Lunch and Learn where I'll introduce them to some of the top tips from my Sustainability program.